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 24 Wisconsin students who hijacked suicide

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24 Wisconsin students who hijacked suicide  Empty
PostSubject: 24 Wisconsin students who hijacked suicide    24 Wisconsin students who hijacked suicide  I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 01, 2010 7:10 am

Chicago, Nov. 30 Xinhua (Xinhua Zhu Zhu),coach outlet Wisconsin Marinette County, 30, police announced that the county campus in case of hostage-taking has been Yintanshenwang gunmen, after being robbed of the 24 hostages had not been any harm.

A 15-year-old students as young as 29 armed break coach poppy County the afternoon of a secondary school classroom of 23 students and a teacher hostage.

According to local media WISN reported that the gunman was originally released five students, allowing them to go to the bathroom. Later the police heard three gunshots was heard inside the classroom, coach factory outlet then broke into the house, after gunmen fired a shot himself.

Police found the gunman at the scene carrying two pistols. Gunmen hostage-taking motivation is unclear. According to a hijacking of students said the mood was very low gunmen, but "does not seem to want to hurt anyone."

Marinette County, Wisconsin Green Bay, 80 kilometers north of the incident the school year about 800 students enrolled.

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