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 Iran's capital,the public holiday for two days

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Iran's capital,the public holiday for two days Empty
PostSubject: Iran's capital,the public holiday for two days   Iran's capital,the public holiday for two days I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 01, 2010 7:03 am

November 28, in the Iranian capital Tehran, people wear a mask travel.

December 1 and 2, moncler the Iranian capital Tehran, government agencies, financial

institutions and the school holidays for two days due to local air pollution is too serious. This is not the first time due to air

Tehran poor people "enjoy" to the additional public holiday. Respiratory morbidity 30% jump "Tehran's air pollution is indeed

serious, is forced to leave the initiative." Iranians do business in China Xiede He said so.

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Xiede He's home in the eastern Iranian city of Mashhad, Khorasan Province, was attending a university in Tehran. His profound

understanding of the air condition in Tehran. "In severe cases, the entire city is a gray, slightly higher terrain north of the city

better point, he sent a lot of South City. Our university is on the north of the city, even so, there are always to wear masks to go


Iran's health minister said that the recent round of severe air pollution in the incidence of respiratory diseases increased by 30%.

Some medical institutions to respond to the call, prada shoes the main square in Tehran

and the establishment of a temporary medical point of intersection, and distribute masks to the public clinics.

Xiede He said there have been similar to the situation. Students from Tehran, where he learned that the government issued a call to

have respiratory history, history of heart disease in residents not to go out for a long time, not to exercise or eat open air.

"I am a friend of children in primary school, according to him, prada sunglasses the

city's primary schools are closed and awaiting resumption notice to class."

Back in 2007, Tehran poor air quality to be questioned. At that time, the Clean Air Committee, Tehran

coach coupons outlet Zahran said the city a month the number of internal air pollution up

to 3600 people died, he even said that people living in that environment is tantamount to "collective suicide."

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Almost every year from October to next January are the days of increased air pollution in Tehran.

Tehran, the Iranian plateau at the southern end of the northern basin, north, east, and west sides of mountains and hills,

particularly in the northern mountains blocking the air flow from the Caspian Sea, is not conducive to dispersing pollutants. Over

the past three weeks, as the wind weakens, the rapid deterioration of Tehran air pollution index, content of various pollutants over

urban areas, in particular, the content of respirable particulate matter seriously overweight. [url=http://www.monclerjackets-


In addition to poor air circulation, precipitation decreased, the increasing size of the city of Tehran, the population is too

concentrated, the impact on air quality should not be overlooked.

Tehran moncler jackets is Iran's provincial-level administrative region, with 1,300

million people, accounting for Iran's one-sixth of the population, while the province's area of only 1.9 million square kilometers,

and the country compared to 1.636 million square kilometers of land, less than the proportion of 1.2%.

Tehran, Tehran Province, the center of the city is the city with 800 million people, focus on the country's important government

agencies, research institutes, financial institutions and other facilities. High concentration of population, land area is small,

troubled by Tehran's long-term bottleneck in the development of air quality is an important reason for the high.

80s of last century in the Iran-Iraq war, Iran appears a lot of homeless refugees, when he was committed to Iran's supreme leader

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who will create the conditions of life in the city. Iran's government will focus on building houses on a

lot, but they ignore the city's long-term planning. More and more people from all over the country to the capital Tehran, as the late

80s, every year about 10 million people moved from outside the capital to live.
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