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 Japanese hospital superbug that killed five people in critical condition 5

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Japanese hospital superbug that killed five people in critical condition 5  Empty
PostSubject: Japanese hospital superbug that killed five people in critical condition 5    Japanese hospital superbug that killed five people in critical condition 5  I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2010 6:58 am

According to Japanese news network reported that, moncler in Tokyo's Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo University Hospital on November 22 evening news published, called "multi-agent patience green pus bacteria" bacteria have been rampant in the hospital two months, because there is no Drugs can fight, there are already five infected.

Dong Da Hospital,moncler jackets said the bacteria was discovered in September of this year, 9 months, 10 people have received the infection. In addition to five dead, the remaining five infected people are also in critically ill state.

It is reported that prada shoes 10 patients are living in a residential building with the same level, is believed to be cross contamination. However,prada sunglasses the hospital was surprised, in a sterile room for treatment of patients, also infected with the bacteria. This shows, super bacteria is already pervasive.

Hospital coach coupons outlet spokesman told the media, "there are not any drugs that can deal with this pathogen", in order to prevent more people infected with the superbug, discount coach bags quarantine measures have been taken to hospital, while from 22 day, no longer accept leukemia patient admission treatment.

Japan's Health Ministry moncler has received the report of the University of Tokyo Hospital, moncler jackets the hospital will be immediately sent to the expert group to assist in identifying the cause bacteria to find the best solution.
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Japanese hospital superbug that killed five people in critical condition 5
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