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 Sarkozy face of scandal, curse reporters question pedophilia

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Sarkozy face of scandal, curse reporters question pedophilia  Empty
PostSubject: Sarkozy face of scandal, curse reporters question pedophilia    Sarkozy face of scandal, curse reporters question pedophilia  I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2010 6:45 am

Song China Global Times special moncler correspondent reports, according to the British "Daily Telegraph" reported on November 23, French President Nicolas Sarkozy in an interview before the curse each other when a "pedophile." The reporter then asked whether Mr Sarkozy was involved in a political corruption and murder scandals, and the scandal is likely to affect the re-election in 2012 Sarkozy.

Reported that on Friday at the NATO summit in Lisbon, moncler jackets a reporter pointedly asked whether Sarkozy was involved in arms sales with the 1994 corruption scandal. Sarkozy was very angry, loud voice, told reporters he replied: "You are just nonsense, you can not prove anything." After that, Sarkozy began to verbally attack these journalists started. Sarkozy said: "You are a pedophile, and I believe that. I've seen your secret privacy, but I will not tell you what privacy. I have seen the man, but I do not will tell you who he is, all this is spoken. I am deeply convinced that you are a pedophile. "prada shoes

Former French Defense Minister Charles ? m Wing publicly disclosed, prada sunglasses France sold submarines to Pakistan in 1994, the transaction does exist regarding commission rebates. France then sold submarines to Pakistan arms sales proceeds of up to 825 million euros. In 2002, the construction of submarines in Karachi, Pakistan's 11 French-made frigates National Bureau of Pakistani engineers and four killed by bomb attacks. coach coupons outlet At first authorities blamed the explosion was initiated by the al Qaeda terrorists, but a recent survey, it is possible that the murder from the allocation of sales commissions related to the French to stop. Charles ? m Wing said at the time this commission went to Heine company based in Luxembourg, which the company is in when he was finance minister, Sarkozy's approval of the establishment. Sarkozy was the 1995 election as prime minister, Edward ? Balladur's chief financial officer, has an indirect evidence that this illegal misappropriation of funds were used to finance the election of Edouard Balladur.

Sarkozy's political opponents, discount coach bags former Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin on Friday for Charles ? m wing material to be exposed above the evidence. De Villepin said that former French President Jacques Chirac won the presidential election of 1995, had tried to terminate the acceptance of sales rebates, when he was finance minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, Chirac's cabinet should be informed on this. But Sarkozy has strongly denied that he is aware of any matter related to sales rebates. Since the scandal involving arms sales commission rebate, senior political figures and election funding illegal arms sales to political and other capital flows, but also including the current President Nicolas Sarkozy, including several senior officials involved, the political sensitivity very high. As Dominique de Villepin and Sarkozy are interested in competing for the presidency in 2012, the outside world means that the arms sales scandal ahead of the French presidential election has started.

Dominique de Villepin has warned that the French, moncler the president Nicolas Sarkozy is an extremely dangerous man, has become France must be addressed "a matter of principle." Always wanted to replace in 2012, became president of the de Villepin, Sarkozy said, "Since 2007, we have been living in the shadow of Nicolas Sarkozy. Our country is weak, our differences more more, our principles are being shaken. As president, Nicolas Sarkozy does not deliver on his proposed ideas. moncler jackets For the French, Sarkozy is a dangerous place, it is necessary to solve one of the issues of principle . "
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