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 Admin Abilities

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Posts : 93
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Join date : 2009-08-29
Age : 30
Location : California, Buena Park San Reberto Circle

Admin Abilities Empty
PostSubject: Admin Abilities   Admin Abilities I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2009 5:49 pm

If u are admin, here is the info on the admin info on how to use it and what u can use....

amxmodmenu: It is to access ur admin consol

amx_glow name 0 0 0 0: This is to make someone invisible

amx_glow nam color: This one is to make someone glow a color

amx_godmode name 1: This makes someone invinsible

amx_nick "name" "new name": This is to change a players name on game

amx_noclip name 1: This allows people to fly all over the place were ever they want

amx_ban name how long: You ban people with this command and if u dont want them to come back just put permanently at the end

amx_slay name: It slays someone who doesnt follow the rules

amx_givemoney @all 16000: This allows you to give money to everyone in the game

amx_csay white then ur saying/sentence: This allows u to say something on the servers on the top of the screen for everyone to see

If i am missing anything on this POST just comment under saying what is missing.....
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Join date : 2009-09-05
Location : the bay

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PostSubject: Re: Admin Abilities   Admin Abilities I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 14, 2009 8:10 pm

amx_who - displays steam ids and admins capabilites. The letters signify how much you can do. All users have z which is just to get in the server, but if you have more letters than you are admin. I could tell you what the other letters mean but i am too lazy.
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